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September 12, 2009


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Sounds like you want to move, eh?

As a native New Yorker, I can understand your enthusiasm but trust me, after a few decades, you need to get out. Of here. Permanently.

I always solved this ambiguity by owning 2 homes. One in the city. The other either in the mountains or the beach. You can not spend ALL your time in this city. You'd go insane.

Just my 2 cent token.

Retired Syd

Well that's the great thing about retirement--I get to go immerse myself in a city for a chunk of time without worrying about getting back to work after a week or so.

At this point in my life, I'm just happy to go traipsing around to the different wonderful cities of the world and staying in each for awhile. Not sure which city will be next, but I'll plan on a good long stay just like this trip so I can really appreciate the texture of life there.


what a great read..:)

Laura @ mtp

Lovely post Syd, your last paragraph puts into words exactly how I feel about NY.

We plan on a month in NY in the not too distant future, it's my dream :-)

New York hotel

i cant agree with you mire Morisson. as a former new yorker , the hardest thing in the world is to stay here more than 30 years. now i live in DC ' my boys stayed in NY ' when i want to visit them i book a flight through lastminute travel. good prices.

Linda Fox

A friend and I had always talked about "living" in NYC when we retired. She is in Florida, I'm in upstate NY. We both just recently retired and are just home from our NYC two week rental. Of course, we can't afford to really live there but our VRBO apartment in the East Village made us feel at home in one of our favorite cities. We prepared a spreadsheet before we went of all the things we wanted to see and do. We had done the touristy stuff earlier so this list included things like "walk the Highline", see the new 9/11 Memorial at night etc.We did plenty of activities but we also, from time to time, just sat in our apartment with our coffee and watch the people go by. I "heart" NY!

Retired Syd

Linda--that sounds like my kind of visit to NYC!

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