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November 18, 2009


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DH and I have a few rules; absolutely no TV till 4PM, and that's only to watch the Dow Jones report. Positively, absolutely no TV, especially the news, during dinner hours. It amazes me how anyone can ingest food and listen/watch the news at the same time. I'd gag and choke (have you been listening to the news lately?)
These rules have been in effect even when our children lived at home.

Know what happens (despite being home together all day-yes, in different parts of the property sometimes) during meal times when the TV is off? We actually talk to each other. I have now started DVR'ing the news and watching it later (and later-if at all).

We're in the middle of a reno, home redecorating, car rebuild/repair.....so there's a lot of things going on at home right now. Personally, I find it very nice just knowing DH is nearby. We've been going out for coffee together, or a lunch, a few freebies (like the Martha Stewart Show) and things like that. Going for walks/hikes together has been #1 on our to-do list.

You're right. You have to make time for each other despite being home all day long together.

Retired Syd

Wow, actual conversation over dinner, I can hardly even imagine that!


I thought a luke warm burrito and a rerun episode of Friends was quality time. I guess I better think again.



Are you asking for advice? I don't think so..but anyway.

I recommend that you try this for a 2 week commitment.

Jazz and candles every night for dinner. How easy is that? At first you will keep wanting to turn on the TV...but you'll think of something to talk about...I promise. TV dinner is just a habit that you started as a child.

Also..Larry and I really look forward to puzzle time every afternoon. That includes an espresso and the Chronicle puzzles. It's fun.

Try that medicine and call me in 2 weeks.

Your Wicked Stepmother

Retired Syd

Good advice Wicked Stepmother, but I don't know about the puzzle. . .

r4i kort

The transition to retirement is particularly stressful, especially when one spouse retires before the other. During this time, couples fight much more and are significantly less satisfied with their marriages. Once both spouses are settled into retirement from their careers, however, marital satisfaction rebounds and couples report the highest level of martial satisfaction with the least conflict, compared with their peers.

Nora Hall

A date day is a wonderful, inexpensive way to make sure you connect with quality time. Absolutely no errands are done during that time and it's only the two of you for whatever time you agree to set apart.

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