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August 05, 2010


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Frugal Texas Gal (Barb)

Great guest post. I especdially agree iwth the new social circle. And without sounding crass, volunteering is a great networking tool if you think you might want to work a bit here and there.

fred doe

i've volunteered, even before i retired. all i can say is choose wisely! approach it more so then a job search. know what "you" want to get out of it and what your willing to put up with. but just as there is someone for everyone out there so to is a volunteer program. it's not crass to network for some work ms. frugal but you can network for interests too that maybe your circle of friends aren't into ie.. sports,outdoors,cultural activities. altruism is nice but what about some fun?

Mary Heidcamp

very nice site good color i like this blog,

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