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August 09, 2010


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I wish the NYT article had played up the no-kids part of the Strobel's lifestyle. That is a big way for someone (or a couple) to require less wealth to retire early.

I retired in 2008 at age 45 on just under $1M because that (about $650k in taxable accounts, $300k in IRA) could easily generate enough dividends to cover my annual expenses of about $21.5k.

I own my apartment outright so I am debt-free.

No kids, no debts.

Retired Syd

@deegee: Well you have a point, it certainly plays a role in finances, and studies out over the last couple years show, on happiness levels as well (and not in a good way). But that's a whole 'nother article:


make money at home

People can get use to anything including wealth. But being wealthy doesn't necessarily mean being happy. Income may not be the most important contributor to how happy most people are. However, money matters, if only a bit.

fred doe

well ms. syd it's all relevant. no debt, the same amount in your savings, checking accounts at the first of the month every month, and squirreling away 10 to 25% in savings and investment each month. and knowing that at 62 social security will kick in is icing on the cake. i personally would do the same if i had a million dollars a year for the rest of my life.(after the first year of eating lobster three times a day i think i'd settle in to a sensible budget.) as far as stuff goes well george carlin addressed that in one of his stand up acts. i watched it and laughed but i still fell into the trap. my god were did all the sh*t come from not to mention cleaning around it. divest,divest is the answer.

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