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March 01, 2013


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Banjo Steve

Good for you, Syd. I have found that the joy of learning to play my banjo constantly increasing - even after 10 years. Right now, I am going from learning bluegrass to swing blues (as in "Sweet Georgia Brown" and "All of Me"). What a challenge!

I urge you to (eventually? but sooner than later) share your efforts with others. It's a gift that keeps on giving, so to speak.

Stay with it. Even if you can only do five minutes a day, you'll see many of the bits and pieces of theory and patterns start to come together.

And I have tons of stories/memories of how music has brought me into the arms and lives of so many wonderful people (most notably my wife).

fred doe

You get in there and tickle them ivories girl friend.

tom sightings

Good for you -- it's important as we get older to keep on learning new things. And btw, nice piano!

Retired Syd

Steve, Fred, and Tom: Thanks for the encouragement!


Syd, I started piano a year and a half ago, and have enjoyed every moment, including practicing scales, which I find quite relaxing. Being able to now read music led me to my current recorder class, which is leading me to an intermediate recorder performing group.

I absolutely agree with your sentiment on not using age or time as an excuse not to do something. One of my sayings is "And how old will you be in _____ years if you don't do it?"



Have fun! I want to learn how to play the violin and play my guitar more. It's hard to find time though.

Richard Wright

Thanks for this. I hope my retirement plans take me to Honolulu HI. It's the best place to learn the ukelele.

retirement villages Australia

Great for you! Its really nice to keep learning new things and enjoy every moment of your life as you grow older. Beautiful piano!

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