(Photo Details: If only our apple tree was still blooming I wouldn't have to consider braving the grocery store now.)
I suddenly have a lot of time on my hands. Maybe you do too.
Our six-county vicinity here in the San Francisco Bay Area just announced the most restrictive coronavirus measure of its kind in the continental U.S. It’s just short of an Italy-style lock-down—we are to “shelter in place” for all but essential outings. We can go get groceries or go to the doctor, but, as it happens a haircut and color are considered non-essential.
Like I’m sure most of you, all the things I normally do now, from jazz band and vocal jazz ensemble class at the community college, to lunching and walking with friends and family are on hold until at least April 7th. (And of course, the aforementioned haircut and color.)
I have vowed to re-learn a song a day at the piano. But I still have a lot of time on my hands--even with the hours of addiction to TV and internet--watching the Covid-19 cases going up and the stock market going down. So time to do a little blogging! What a perfect time for virtual communities.
It has not even been 24 hours yet, but so far I think it’s easier than a few months ago when the fire-prevention measures up here required shutting off our electricity for four days. Because you can surf the internet, stream TV shows and movies (My Brilliant Friend is back!), turn on the heat and lights, and blow dry your hair. Don’t underestimate the value of instantly dry hair. (Hey all you streaming services—how ‘bout you release full seasons now so we can binge watch in this time of need?!?!)
I’m putting off going to the grocery store though, seems like too much of a scene right now. And I think based on the food and toilet paper inventory of this house, we’re ok for a week or so. We tried to order some groceries yesterday, but the delivery date would be March 28—I’m pretty sure I would go before that to get some fruits and vegetables. Too bad it’s not quite cherry or apple season; that would hold us over for a month!
Overall, these measures seems like the right call to me. But it’s really going to hurt a lot of people. Local shops and restaurants, the yoga studio, the music school, the hair salon—I don’t know how they all survive. And what about the kids out of school whose parents are healthcare workers and other essential workers? All of that is going to be really tough.
This morning I was trying to focus on all the good things that could happen. Here’s what I came up with so far. Besides reducing the number of coronavirus cases, staying put will likely reduce the number of other flu’s and colds. And reduce the number injuries and deaths from auto accidents. And I imagine the reductions in carbon emissions is going to be record-breaking, not just here but world-wide. The cruise ships, airplanes, and automobiles not operating, seems like it will be significant.
And there really are a lot of closets to clean and tons of yard work to do, so I guess there’s that.
And look at that, the market has been open for 24 minutes and because I was entertained writing you, I haven’t even looked yet!
Stay healthy and I would love to hear how it is going in your neck of the woods.
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